2014 03 Wisdom and innovation tour of Israel

On March 24th, in 2014,in the first sun rays of the Mediterranean sea,We started.

Our innovation wisdom tour in Israel.
President Gadi Singer introduced innovation mechanism in Intel R & D center in Haifa.


Visited the advanced technology industry association.( IATI).

At Israel Export and International Cooperation Association(IEICI), introduced  about Israel innovation.


Mr Avi Hasson,the Chief Scientist of Israeli Economics Department ,gave a lecture about Israeli national innovation system.


Visited ORBO Tech In Israel.


Israeli Poweroffer company introduced its energy saving innovation project.

Dilogued with the Jewish rabbi Jacob . Shapira.


Dialogued  with the Jewish Holocuast survivors.

Felt the Jewish religious faith in the Wailing wall.

Gave self-examination report in our team at beautiful  Kibbutz farm.

Waiting for our next journey!   

 We will continue to analysis the partner’s summary and feeling papers of this Israel innovation wisdom journey in succession:

Looking for innovation gene -- sharing the papers of the customized term of Israeli innovation wisdom journey on March 23th ,2014.

Inner drive of dicovery and innovation

Building an innovative environment

Live in suffering,died of happiness.

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